Lost on Burano: Rainbow Island in Italy

What makes Bruno special?

While walking around Burano you will find young old ladies outdoors laundry, or multi-colored windows made of flower boxes in front of children and tourists.

Early in the morning, the fishermen take their boats out, and in the evening come back with fresh fish.

Small bridges are connected to small canals and connect roads, and the main square of the island is filled with Piazza Gallopi souvenir shops, seafood restaurants and bars.

No cars on the Burano. Locals ride on foot, bicycle or boat. Lost on Burano: Rainbow Island in Italy
Bruno, Italy

Just 40 minutes from Venice is Bruno Island, a small island in Italy, with houses painted in bright colors like a beautiful rainbow. What a magical place to discover!

During a trip to Venice last year, Anna and I decided to take a public water taxi out of the beautiful Italian city of Bruno and spend the night.

The mystery of Burano has been out for a while, and the proximity to Venice gives it plenty of tourists. When there is a global pandemic that is…

Each one goes to see pictures of beautiful houses painted in different colors. Pins, blues, yellow, green, purple. The island
Lost on Burano: Rainbow Island in Italy

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