Deep South Road Trap Vita Turk USA
My loud "yes" may not surprise you, but it did surprise me. I'm not a big fan of organized tours in general. I like being in charge if I have a schedule and want to step back from my hermitage shell whenever I need to. I'm not involved to some extent, but I need a lot of time to become a fully functioning member of society, ie someone who doesn't feel the urge to cut off strangers when he asks how I make money. ۔ Or if I have a real job.
But the track America seemed different. They only host small groups and spend a lot of time planning. From hiring local leaders to participating in shared housing, their ethos is well aligned with my environmental values. Oh, and they all make their prices very reasonable, which is a huge bonus for our young travelers
Long story short, I packed my suitcase and set out on a 10-day journey with seven people I’d never met before. This wasn’t your standard Trek because all of us are bloggers – mysterious creatures who see life through viewfinders and Instagram filters. We did get up to some crazy stuff you wouldn’t find on a regular itinerary, but if you’re considering booking a Trek America holiday this writeup should still give you a good idea of what to expect.
1. Birmingham, Alabama
We started our trip with a long drive from New Orleans to Birmingham. Our direct flight from London to New Orleans had been relaxing, but British Airways’ large film selection kept me awake for much of it so I was glad I could catch up on some sleep. Yes, I’m one of those people that can fall asleep anywhere. I realise that makes me unlikeable but please resist the urge. My arms break out in a rash whenever I drink wine, so the universe is fair.I was glad Birmingham was on the itinerary because truth be told, I wouldn’t have gone out of my way to see it otherwise. It turns out that would have been a big shame! The city may not be beautiful in the traditional sense but it holds the key to America’s civil rights
To learn as much as possible in the 24 hours we had there we decided to go on a little tour with Zyp BikeShare. It’s one of the best ways to explore the city – not to mention healthy and sustainable! We visited several important sites including the 16th Street Baptist Church, the city hall and spoke at length about Dr. Martin Luther King.
Much of what we discussed was heartbreaking, from children not being allowed to play with those of a different skin color to peaceful protesters being viciously attacked by the police. Perhaps the most terrifying part was realizing that while we’ve come a long way, many of those sentiments still ring true. After all, not a week goes by without news of police brutality toward people of color – this isn’t distant history.